Thursday, February 4, 2010

How To Use Robopro Can Someone PLEASE Help Me With A 3 Floor Elevator For PLTW CIM Using Fichertek Robots? Using ROBOpro?

Can someone PLEASE help me with a 3 floor elevator for PLTW CIM using Fichertek robots? Using ROBOpro? - how to use robopro

I'm so lost in this class and they really need someone to show me outline a scheme RoboPro a 3-storey. I am in need. It is for Calss PLTW and CIM. PLEASE someone help! Thanks

1 comment:

  1. I have this device in my school. It's pretty complicated, so I can tell you here and we will send you the file later.
    I1 is the key word to floor 1 request. The same holds for I2, I3
    I4 recognizes the elevator to Stage 1st The same goes for I5 and I6.
    I7 is a correction of the 2nd Floor. In principle, if the elevator is up from I6, I7 stations instead of I4. Otherwise, it would be an offset.
    M1 is the same lift. I reject the polarity. And you can ignore the rest.
